It was not in the best of shape as he
Retrieved it from the desk drawer
Yet when he opened the box to show me
All that he had saved – he grinned
Bands were in the Tampa Nugget box he
Held firm with both his hands
Cigar bands from dozens of cigars he
Smoked over the days and years
He handed me a new catalog of great
Items that he could receive
All he had to do was mail in some of
Those bands to Tampa Nugget
As I child, I thought how lucky it was
To be Pop and get free gifts
I even offered to start smoking them
So that I could win something
Pop patted me on the head and told me
To get on outside and play
But, I lingered long enough to get a
Good look at that catalog
I think about that old box of cigar
Bands every once in awhile
Wondering what Pop bought over the years as
It got too full to close
The real truth is - Pop was a lot like
That ol’ box of cigar bands
Wishes and dreams were right there at his finger
Tips to do with as he pleased
Just maybe that box was filled with more than
I realized way back then
Shared grins and whispers with his granddaughter
Could have kept it more than full